New Additions to the One Accord Industrial Newsletter on-line:
1. New Links: handouts for detailed information on Tennis Elbow and Plantar Fasciitis. Please note under musculoskeletal disorders in the left column.
1. New Links: handouts for detailed information on Tennis Elbow and Plantar Fasciitis. Please note under musculoskeletal disorders in the left column.
2. Performance training: If you are an avid biker or just need to learn how to eat before an activity, now you have access to local and national events Please note under Performance Training in the left column.
3. Coaching Series: Now you can go through a self-paced education in Injury Prevention, Back Care Programs, and Preventative Stretching. Please note the various health topics in the right column.
4. Media: New articles are now available regarding ergonomics and wellness. You also have access to ergonomic you tube videos . Please note media options in the right column.