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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Health Coaching - Building a Better Life

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain higher nutritional content and tastes better!

To find quality fresh produce in your area, go to

Free Grip Testing

Do you have what it takes to claim the strongest grip? Please come by the grip strength station and get your grip strength assessed on 02/24 @ 9:00PM and 02/25 @ 6:00AM and 1:00 PM in Casa Grande, Frito Lay.

Grip test has shown to be a reliable source to test maximum voluntary muscle strength using a hand dynamometer. A standard grip test can is used to assess hand and wrist weakness in association with monetary workman's compensation claims. Grip testing has many roles, but two of the most important remain to identify sincerity of effort and the ability to identify potential weaknesses among employees.

Here are normal measurements:

Right Handed Males - R: 104lb, L: 103lb

Left Handed Males - R: 92lb, L: 100lb

Right Handed Females - R: 63lb, L: 63lb

Left Handed Females - R: 54lb, L: 56lb

Source: WorkSTEPS - Employment Testing

Monday, February 16, 2009

Top 3 New Years Resolutions That Should be on Your List!

New years resolutions around this time of year seem to be disappear. Let me encourage you not to quit and stay with your programs. Here are three resolutions that you may have not picked but can pay off big-time over the span of your life:

1. Kick the bad habit of smoking!

The American Cancer Society reports that quiting smoking will help you live shocker there right. But check this out:

20 minutes after quiting: Your heart rate of blood pressure drop

12 hours after quiting: The carbon monoxide in your blood drops to normal

2-3 months after quiting: Circulation and lung function improves

1 year after quiting: Risk of coronary heart disease drops by 1/2

5-15 years: Stoke risk equals a non-smoker

15+ years: Coronary heart risk equals a non-smoker

2. Add fiber to your diet!

A high fiber diet will lead to weight loss, and reduced risk for chronic diseases such as coronary artery disease. The American Dietetic Association recommends 25 grams of fiber for females, and 38 grams of fiber for males, how much do we normally get? On average...15 grams!

3. Go Get a Physical Exam!

The earlier you identify a problem the easier it is to treat. Even a full musculoskeletal exam can help you identify weak areas which can turn into an injury. See your physician or physical therapist today!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Health Coaching - Building a Better Life

Alfalfa sprouts are a common item used in salads, sandwiches, lettuce wraps or any common green salad. Alfalfa sprouts are a great source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, carotene's, chlorophyll, folic acid, and phytoestrogens. Alfalfa sprouts even contain every single essential amino acid! So go out and get some sprouts!

Amino Acids = building blocks for protein and aid in metabolism. Amino acids are essential for building muscle and avoid injuries.

How to Prevent a Recordable Injury #3

Common Mistake: If I experience an injury (for example: low back strain), I should apply heat or sit in a hot tub when I get home.

Heat helps with stiffness and achiness, but should NOT be used with acute symptoms as it causes swelling and increased symptoms.
  • If you have an incident within 24-48 hours DO NOT apply heat.
  • Apply heat to general achiness, stiffness and soreness.
  • Heat application averages about 10 minutes, and remember to use layers of clothing or towels, as to avoid superficial burns.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Health Coaching - Building a Better Life

Healthy Substitutes.........Healthy Living

Did you know?
Taking time to take deep breaths both inhaling and exhaling straight from the belly, about 10x a day, results in decreased stress levels and decrease heart rate up to or greater than 10 beats per minute.

Did you know?
Stretching before you go to bed and 1st thing in the morning, can help you maintain an upright posture and actually be taller, studies have shown that you are up to 1/4 of an inch shorter at the end of the day with normal wear and tear, thank you gravity!

Did you know?
Listening to music can be a great stress reducer. One study showed that listening to classical music for 30 minutes a day produces the same calming effect of a 10mg dose of Valium.

Did you know?
Reducing calories per day equals weight loss. So the next time you eat a donut, replace that with a bag of pretzels. This equals about 120 calories and about 8 pounds a year.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How To Prevent A Recordable Injury - Part 2

Ice is helpful with chronic or inflammatory pain, especially pain that comes on after the activity. Hit it hard with ice, here are general guidelines:

0-5 minutes - Ankle & Hand
5-10 minutes - Shoulder & Back
10-15 minutes - Thigh & Gluts

* Remember there are 4 stages of ice application, the following symptoms are normal and should be felt each time with ice application, as soon as the affected area is numb, remove the ice:

Cold -> Burning -> Tingling -> Numbness