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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Injury Prevention Tip

Gauravi Merchant, PT, MPA, executive director, Physicians Choice Physical Therapy, West Los Angeles, says PTs can often help people prevent fall-related injuries by helping them to improve their balance and offering tips for fall recovery and prevention. ‘'Teaching people the right body mechanics, stretching and strengthening the weak muscles—and by that, preventing injuries......from overuse and poor body mechanics.

Her tips for clients:
1. For injury prevention: good posture, good body mechanics, improving core strength, and regular exercise.

2. For low back pain prevention and recovery: good posture and body mechanics at all times; core strengthening, "We use Pilates-based physical therapy to reeducate muscles and improve core strength; and regular aerobic exercises such as swimming and cycling."

3. For recovery: ice first with all acute back about what to do/not do in terms of body mechanics and posture; home exercise program to recover and prevent future back injuries.

* Article taken from rehab management or

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wellness Check - How Active Should I Be?

To reduce risk of chronic diseases:

Engage in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most days of the week

To help manage body weight and prevent unhealthy weight gain in adults:

Engage in 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity exercise on most days of the week while not exceeding recommended caloric intake

To sustain weight loss in adulthood:

Engage in 60-90 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise daily while not exceeding caloric intake

Children and adolescents:

Engage in at least 60 minutes of exercise on all days of the week

Friday, July 24, 2009

Botanical Suppliments - Ginger


Source: Ginger Root

Indication: Nausea, vomiting during pregnancy, motion sickness

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wellness Check - Men

Prostate Cancer Screening, Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)

Age 50 and older - annually

Age 45 and older - annually if African American or have 1st degree relative with prostate cancer before the age of 65

Age 40 and older - annually if you have several 1st degree relatives with prostate cancer before the age of 65

*1st degree relative is father, brother or son

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Botanical Supplements - Garlic


Source: Garlic Plant

Indication: Lower cholesterol

Action: Chewing or crushing activates several sulfur-containing compounds

Cautions: Allergies, GI symptoms, interaction with anti-coagulant drugs

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wellness Check - Women


Age 35 to 39 (Baseline), Age 40-49 - every 1-2 years, Age 50 and older - annually

Self Breast Exams

Age 19 and older - rate based on risk factors (see your physician)

Clinical Breast Exams

Age 19 and older - Annually

Pap Test/Pelvic Exams

Age 21 or older - annual pelvic screenings, Pap test every 1-3 years

Management of Menopause

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - Discuss with your physician

Chlamydia Screening

Age 25 and older - annual screening if you are sexually active, Pregnant woman - 1st prenatal visit

Osteoporosis Screening

Age 65 and older - Under the age 65 if at high risk for osteoporatic fractures

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Botanical Supplements - Echinacea


Source: Purple Cornflower

Indication: Stop moderate colds or flu's

Caution: Avoid if immune system is hampered and do not use continually

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wellness Check - Adults

When do I need to go the doctor? For many of us....NEVER! Health and wellness is an active and prevenative aproach to healthcare. The National Insitute of Health have put forth general guidelines for what is considered prevenative in nature. See your health care provider if you fit within the following criteria:

Asprin Therapy - risk factor for Coronary Heart Disease

Men >40 years old, Postmenopausal woman, young adults with diabetes, or adults who smoke or are hypertensive.

Blood Pressure Screening

Age 18 or older - at every doctors visit

Cholesterol Screening

Age 20 and older - lipid panel (HDL, LDL, triglycerides and cholesterol)

Colorectal Screening

Age 50 or older - sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, colonoscopy every 10 years

Depression Screening

Age 18 or older - discuss with your physician

Diabetes Screening

Age 45 or older - Every 3 years if normal

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wellness Check - Normal Lipids

LDL Cholesterol (Bad Cholesterol)

100 - 129 Near or above optimal

130 - 159 Borderline high

160 - 189 High

>/= 190 Very high

HDL Cholesterol (Good Cholesterol)

>/= 40 High

Triglycerides (Chemical form of fat on food and in the body)

150 - 199 Borderline high

200 - 499 High

>/= 500 Very High

Total Cholesterol (Type of Steroid found in all cells)

200 - 239 Borderline high

>/= 240 High