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Monday, June 29, 2009

Exercise Tips - Bent Over Row

Target: Triceps, Upper Back Muscles, Core Stabilization

* Stand with one leg infront of the other (Preferrably the opposite leg of the arm being worked)

* Lean forward with upper body (Maintain stick lifting posture), with hand holding front leg for support.

* Lift dumbell or pull on therabands, pulling elbow behind the body

* Return the dumbell or theraband to starting position with control and remember not to jerk.

Remember to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Health Coaching - Building a Better Life many of you have a '55 Chevy in the garage collecting dust and you don't even know if it starts. Many of us don't check under the hood until it is too late. The American Cancer Society recommends that all males over the age of 50 have yearly prostate exams.

On a routine survey, almost 80% of males stated their health as being excellent without any routine testing such as a physical. Just like we take care of our cars, we must take our vehicles in for scheduled tune-ups and oil changes.

For more information about health screens seek your personal physician or on-site therapist.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Exercise Tips - Functional Lunge

Target: Butt, Hips, Thighs, Core Stabilization

* Standing with feet slightly wider than hips

* Hold weight for beginners and add weight like a dumbbell as you feel comfortable.

* Take one step forward into a lunge position

* Rotate shoulders to the left (left leg first) 45 degrees, right (right leg first)

* Return to starting position by pushing off with lead leg

Remember to keep yourself hydrated by drinking water!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Health Coaching - Building a Better Life

Do you know what your blood pressure is? High blood pressure makes your body work harder, specifically your heart which can lead to heart failure, heart attacks, chest pains, even kidney failure and stroke.

Blood pressure is given with two numbers 120 over 80. The top number is your Systolic, or the amount of pressure it takes to push blood through your body. The bottom number is your Diastolic, or the amount of pressure present when your heart relaxes or when it fills with blood.

Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80. Pre-hypertension or high normal can range between 120-139 over 80-89. If your blood pressure is above 140 over 90, seek your personal physician. If you would like your blood pressure checked or questions on how to check or purchase a home unit, please seek your on-site therapist for more information.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Exercise Tips - Deadlift to Upright Row

Next time you are at the Gym try this exercise: Functional and Effective.

Target: Butts, Thighs, Shoulders, Back

* Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart

* Stand while holding a dumbbell in each hand. (Can substitute: Kettlebell, Weighted Stick, Medicine Ball)

* Bend your knees and squat down while maintaining good posture (Use the Stick Method)

* Lower dumbbells until they touch the floor

* Return to standing position while extending hips

* Continue to raise dumbbells in front of body all the way to shoulder height
* Return dumbbells to starting position carefully and under control

Remember to stay hydrated by drinking sports drinks or regular water.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Positive Peer Pressure

While there is no magic formula to creating the ideal workplace setting; the debate can continue. But a program that takes a different approach to reducing their work place injuries is much more important and is gaining ground in the safety world.

Peer-led programs that educate employees about the dangers of poor ergonomics, self-awareness, wellness, etc., are critical to the health of a program and organization. These programs or safety teams promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle--in a proactive way.

"They provide ways to provide constructive criticism to employees, by giving them tools to improve their day to day work environment and wellness. Its activities teach nutrition, awareness and postural techniques while also deferring employees from using harmful postures and ergonomics." ~ Dr. Mat
Another key component is that employees teach each other. We found that employees learning from one another is much more powerful than listening to a talking head at the front of the classroom. Employees are presented information in a non-confrontational manner that changes their attitudes towards safety.

The lessons are broken into several 15-minute sessions and taught in small groups in a pro-active teaching environment. During each session, employees lay out objectives, and teach their peers using hands-on work activities, these activities are critiqued and corrected by their site therapist.

The safety team at Casa Grande Frito Lay have adopted this challenge and have promoted positive peer pressure. There team has shown to be an integral piece to their safety program. Way to go Casa Grande!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Health Coaching...Building a Better Life

Healthy Substitutes......Healthy Living

Did you know?

Parsley is actually used to cleanse the body. It helps to reduce gallstones, kidney stones, and maintain healthy blood vessels. So the next time you juice or use parsley as a garnish...add a few more.

Who hasn' t had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? A healthy substitute for peanut butter is almond butter. Almond butter has 6x the calcium, 3x the vitamin E, and 2x the amount of Iron of regular peanut butter. Worth the change?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Health Product Review - Stay Activ

The value of health and wellness allows us as a provider to provide simple tools which are accessible to health care workers but may not be well known to the general public. The following is a product which many athletes and active adults use to control pain. Stay Activ is not promoted or does not reflect the views of OAIS but this blog is designed to inform readers on their options.

StayActiv® safely relieves pain and promotes recovery without side effects of drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen (no stomach bleeding or ulceration, no liver or kidney toxicity).

With the topical cream, just thoroughly rub in the ACTIV crystals for localized relief before and after exercise (always rinse or wipe off skin before and between uses).
The active ingredients penetrate within minutes and like the capsules, the cream helps reduce lactic acid build-up and pain due to inflammation.

Stay Activ is an all natural pain relieving capsule or topical cream.

- Effectively Relieves Pain and Inflammation

- Safe and Non-Toxic, No Side Effects

- Results in as Little as 5-20 Minutes

- Accelerates Recovery

- Reduces Fatigue From Lactic Acid

- Natural Anti-Inflammatory

- StayActiv® Cream is Odorless and Won’t Stain Clothes

Information contained in this blog was taken from: