We all have one thing in common, we all sleep! Much of our human life is spent in bed. Sleeping posture is a critical component to our back health and safety. It is important that we #1 choose a correct bed, and #2, choose a correct position to sleep in bed.
Click here: http://oneaccordindustrialservices.blogspot.com/2008/05/better-backs-by-better-beds.html for more information on choosing a proper bed for you.
Remember these tips when you lay your head down:
1. Do Not put your arms above your head in any position. This can cause multipe issues ranging from sway back to neurological problems either in the arms or legs. - Do your hands fall asleep at night? That is why.
2. If you choose to lay on your back, use a good pillow so your head is slightly elevated from your torso, and place a pillow under your knees. This will support your neck and maintain your back in a neutral position.
3. Gold standard is curling up on your side with your knees slightly bent. Curl your pillow up and under your ear for added support including a pillow between your legs to keep your back in alignment.
For more informations email: industrial@oneaccordservices.com