Healthy Substitutes.........Healthy Living
Did you know?
Taking time to take deep breaths both inhaling and exhaling straight from the belly, about 10x a day, results in decreased stress levels and decrease heart rate up to or greater than 10 beats per minute.
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Stretching before you go to bed and 1st thing in the morning, can help you maintain an upright posture and actually be taller, studies have shown that you are up to 1/4 of an inch shorter at the end of the day with normal wear and tear, thank you gravity!
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Listening to music can be a great stress reducer. One study showed that listening to classical music for 30 minutes a day produces the same calming effect of a 10mg dose of Valium.
Did you know?
Reducing calories per day equals weight loss. So the next time you eat a donut, replace that with a bag of pretzels. This equals about 120 calories and about 8 pounds a year.