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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Runners - Pain or Pleasure

Running is great way to endeavor to stay in shape, loose weight, and burn calories, but can often lead to overuse injuries, particularly the knee, shin, foot, hip and back. The most common conditions which affect runners are:
  1. IT Band Syndrome
  2. Patellofemoral Syndrome,
  3. Achilles Tendinitis
  4. Plantar Fasciitis

An ounce of prevention equals a pound of pain free running. Remember to stretch before and after your run. Consider equipment changes such as new shoes which allows for full foot accommodation. Orthotics also will help keep your ankle in alignment as you run reducing risk for injury and pain. See your on-site therapist today these valuable tools. Orthotics now are only $40.00 for current employees serviced through One Accord Industrial!

Advance for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Vol.21 No.5