Pain whether it be from a contusion, numbness, tingling, or inflammatory, the usual rest, ice and range of motion through approved daily power stretches are appropriate. See your local therapist for more options. A variety of non-invasive modalities may be used to self-manage your pain, such as:
1. Deep heat treatments - used for muscle spasms, sprains, strains and tendinitis after 48 hours of your injury. It can also be used to treat contractures, chronic arthritis and bursitis. Heat treatments can include hot baths, heating pads, and even paraffin (hot wax).
2. Cold therapy treatments - applied immediately after injury to relieve pain and reduce internal bleeding and swelling. Ice treatments include cold packs, ice massage applicators and cold water.
3. Taping treatments - elastic tape applied over a muscles to reduce pain and inflammation, promote relaxation, and support muscles for movement. Tape is non-restrictive and allows full range of motion. (Must be applied by your therapist, and educated for self-application)
4. Topical biomedicine - natural pain relieving gels like biofreeze or sombra stimulate nerve endings in the skin and desensitizes the sensation of pain. Good for conditions which are close to the skin.
5. Massage treatments - used to decrease inflammation in muscle, tendons, and joints. Can reduce pain, improve range of motion, and improve flexibility. Good for inflammatory, stiffness, strains/sprains, tendinitis, and bursitis.
Rehab Management, Vol.23 No.2