1. Start icing those aches and pains if you have not already. A simple bag of ice done consistently daily can reduce your signs and symptoms of discomfort.
2. How about a massage? Take time during your day off and seek a massage therapist for a tune-up. If you do not have access to or find it difficult financially, please contact us for other options. You can also see the site therapist for discomfort. Industrial@oneaccordservices.com
3. Spend extra time stretching before and after work. There is value in continued stretching to alleviate soreness. If you are doing the same stretches, try something new, see functional preventative stretches on this site.
4. Buy a new pair of shoes or get new equipment. This is a great time of the year to change your shoe wear. Out with the old and in with new and fresh. Give your feet a much deserved upgrade.
5. Start a new supplement or a new multi-vitamin. Taking a drug "holiday" can be helpful to introduce a new, and safe form of supplementation. Please seek a medical provider prior to changing any daily supplemental dose. Do not change your Rx medication without seeking a physician.
6. Visit our newsletter and browse the many topics from health tips to back care education. Be pro-active about your health and wellness.