This segment of the back care program will consist of RULES TO LIVE BY, basic patterns of back function. Repetition in the form of proper lifting is important to develop good habits in proper back posture. With that being said, remember these next key points.
1. Do bend at the hips and knees when lifting medium to heavy size objects, Do not just bend at the waist.
2. Always remember to carry objects close to the body and avoid lifting heavy objects above your waist. If you require a higher lift with a heavy object, ask for help!
3. When lifting an object, keep your back straight (neutral spine) until you return to standing position. Do not twist while you are coming to a standing position to save time!
4. Always face your work, never twist your torso while leaving your waist or hips behind. Move as a unit.
5. If you are to short to reach above your head to a higher shelf, always use a step stool. If you have difficulty going up and down steps, you have a weak glutius maximus (sitting muscle). Longer term weakness may cause back pain and injury.
6. Here is one we all are guilty off: Sit down when dressing shoes and socks, etc. Do not bend at the waist while trying to balance on one foot.
7. When you cough or sneeze, round your back and bend your knees to avoid sharp, quick jerking motions.