Vasyli Medical Orthotics – A Natural Cure
It is estimated that > 75% of the population suffer from foot pain from excessive movement and factors such as the unnatural, hard flat surfaces we walk on daily. These can often disrupts normal knee function and hip alignment and increases forces on the lower back muscles.
By realigning the lower limb to its natural angle VASYLI orthotics ensure correct foot function and help relieve common biomechanical complaints.
Key Injuries which VASYLI orthotics can correct:
Key Injuries which VASYLI orthotics can correct:
• Plantar Fasciitis

• Achilles Tendinitis
• Metatarsalgia
• Hallux Abducto Valgus
• Tired/Aching legs
• Patello Femoral pain
• Lower Back pain
• Tibial Stress syndrome
• Ilio-tibial band syndrome
We offer several types of customized orthotics for all foot sizes and conditions.
Each Vasyli orthotic will be available for all non-work conditions, and now offered at $80.00 per pair of customizable orthotics.
Available now, contact your therapist today and see how you can save 50% your next custom pair of orthotics! (Normally custom orthotics can run between $300-$400)