UVA (Ultraviolet A), and UVB (Ultraviolet B) are both harmful rays that come from the sun and will damage your skin. Sunscreens are particularly helpful to use to block these rays by using SPF (sun protection factor). Choose sunscreen that has a broad spectrum SPF, which means it defends against both UVA and UVB and have an SPF of at least 15 or greater.
How about the clothes we wear? Some clothing have special sun protection built into them. Look for UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) when choosing summer clothes. Clothing which have a UPF of 30 or more is recommended.
Remember to wear sunscreen, use an umbrella and protective clothing that is long sleeved. Wear long pants, and a wide-brimmed hat if you are working outside. If your job requires you to be outside, wear light-colored, light-weight, and tightly woven fabrics that don't allow light in.