A ganglion cyst is swelling that appears along the joint line of your wrist or even on your hand. Ganglion cyst are benign, meaning not cancerous, and does not spread to other parts of the body. However, you may notice that a ganglion cyst may change in size depending on how much daily repetitive motion you do.
How does it form?
A cyst normally forms when a weak point in the wrist forces fluid out forming a sack which looks like a pooch formation on the wrist. This fluid with time can become hard or gelatin like. ganglion cysts are formed normally through repetitive motion type job tasks. Much of the time these formations are not dangerous and you should not be alarmed.
Will it ever go away?
Yes, sometimes ganglion cyst will reduce in size and go away with gentle stretching, and massage but there is no guarantee it will not come back. The key point is when the cyst grows and puts pressure on other structures in the wrist,which causes pain. At that point, a physicians referral for medical treatment is recommended.
How do you treat it?
There are many options of treatment, but a safe and step-by-step method is recommended.
1. See a physical therapist for a structured protocol.
2. Begin with ice to reduce initial symptoms.
3. Use heat and stretches to alleviate soreness and stiffness.
4. Wearing a supportive dynamic wrist brace can help not only reduce symptoms but provide compression which may reduce the size of the cyst.
Other approaches include draining the cyst and even "crushing" it with a book, yes you heard right, breaking the cyst and allowing it to resolve on its own. Other methods include surgical removal of the cyst. However, many surgical approaches are not guaranteed to remove the cyst permanently and can return.
* Please seek a health care provider such as your local physical therapist to guide you in your recovery.
* Please contact us with any questions at 877-836-8652 or email at industrial@oneaccordservices.com