New years resolutions around this time of year seem to be disappear. Let me encourage you not to quit and stay with your programs. Here are three resolutions that you may have not picked but can pay off big-time over the span of your life:
1. Kick the bad habit of smoking!
The American Cancer Society reports that quiting smoking will help you live longer...no shocker there right. But check this out:
20 minutes after quiting: Your heart rate of blood pressure drop
12 hours after quiting: The carbon monoxide in your blood drops to normal
2-3 months after quiting: Circulation and lung function improves
1 year after quiting: Risk of coronary heart disease drops by 1/2
5-15 years: Stoke risk equals a non-smoker
15+ years: Coronary heart risk equals a non-smoker
2. Add fiber to your diet!
A high fiber diet will lead to weight loss, and reduced risk for chronic diseases such as coronary artery disease. The American Dietetic Association recommends 25 grams of fiber for females, and 38 grams of fiber for males, how much do we normally get? On average...15 grams!
3. Go Get a Physical Exam!
The earlier you identify a problem the easier it is to treat. Even a full musculoskeletal exam can help you identify weak areas which can turn into an injury. See your physician or physical therapist today!
Reference: www.azblue.com