one position to the next. For many people this can be very difficult if they have already experienced a back injury or it can cause a back injury. Here are some basic steps to follow when getting in and out of bed as well as any movement from a supine or back lying position to standing or sitting. Getting up in an awkward, twisted position can sometimes cause muscle cramping, trigger points, even a strains and sprains.
Getting In Bed:
1. Sit on the edge of the bed with arms at your side.
3. Keep your knees bend at about 45 degrees.
4. Put your feet on the bed.
5. Remain on your side and role into bed as one unit.
Getting Out of Bed:
1. Roll to one side.

2. Drop your legs off the side of the bed.
3. Push your torso up while your legs swing down.
4. You can use your legs as leverage to help bring your body up to a sitting position.