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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ergonomics in the Office

It is that time of year, no not Christmas, but for Office Ergonomics. Below is a short video on office ergonomics and chair selection. Please take a moment and watch the video and re-adjust your workstations accordingly. The video will give you a basic foundation for success in the workplace surrounding your posture and office ergonomics. For more information please contact us at

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Functional Preventative Stretch #6

Elbows in Back Pocket

This stretch promotes a safe and upright posture. Stretches those muscles that rarely get used. We mostly bend forward, lean forward, and sit forward. Its time to go promote those back muscles! Do this stretch if you have discomfort in your shoulders or shoulder blades.

Key Points:

1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms rested at side.

2. Maximally pinch shoulder blades together.

3. While keeping the shoulder blades pinched, move arms up above your head from your side.

4. Pretend to put elbows in your back pocket while continuing to pinch shoulder blades.

5. Hold for 10-15 seconds

6. Repeat multiple times per day

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Frito Lay - Casa Grande Employees Come Together In Job Coaching

Healthy Habits


Peer to Peer Training

Creating Comradery

Problem Solving

Employee Led

Proper Lifting

    These are all words that can be used to describe the recent job coaching session which took place in Casa Grande, Arizona. Employees, who work in Box Drop handling KD's, began seeing an increase in injuries. Because of this, they were given a brief classroom session in which they were instructed in proper lifting using the "stick method", posture education, and ergonomic training. They were then challenged to demonstrate and facilitate problem solving in a live coaching session.

    The employees took training to a practical level. They were all challenged to come up with a safe and effective methods of handling and moving KD's. Their methods must meets all safety criteria in order to perform a safe lift as well as maintain functionality. Employees gave one another feedback, learning from each others mistakes, and created healthy habits which was all lead by their peers.

    This environment created a genuine respect for one another and brought ergonomic training to life in a practical way. For those of you involved great job! You now set the tone for the entire site. Build healthy habits, encourage one another, and create a safe work environment.

    If you would like to learn more about ergonomics, or job coaching, please contact us and create a safe and healthy environment for you today!

      Tuesday, April 14, 2009

      Stress Reduction - Everything is Going to be OK!

      Stress Relief - We all have stress, we all need relief. What do we do?

      To avoid unhealthy habits from forming, here are five tips from the American Psychological Association: Remember, everyone is different, and your stress reliever will be different than your co-workers or your family members.
      1. Identify your source of stress - What triggers stress in your life?

      2. Learn your own stress signals - What symptoms do you have? (irritable, soreness, headaches, etc...)

      3. Find healthy ways to manage stress - Meditation, exercise or family/friend support

      4. Take care of yourself - Eat Right! Get enough sleep! Drink plenty of water! Participate in regular exercise!


      Monday, April 13, 2009

      Newsletter Highlights

      New Additions to the One Accord Industrial Newsletter on-line:

      1. New Links: handouts for detailed information on Tennis Elbow and Plantar Fasciitis. Please note under musculoskeletal disorders in the left column.

      2. Performance training: If you are an avid biker or just need to learn how to eat before an activity, now you have access to local and national events Please note under Performance Training in the left column.

      3. Coaching Series: Now you can go through a self-paced education in Injury Prevention, Back Care Programs, and Preventative Stretching. Please note the various health topics in the right column.

      4. Media: New articles are now available regarding ergonomics and wellness. You also have access to ergonomic you tube videos . Please note media options in the right column.

      Thursday, April 9, 2009

      Stress Signals

      Do you have any of the following symptoms listed below? Any one or combination of symptoms can indicate high stress level in your body. Please see for more information.

      • Fatigue
      • Headache
      • Upset Stomach
      • Muscle Tension
      • Change in Appetite
      • Teeth Grinding
      • Feeling Dizzy
      • Irritability or Anger
      • Feeling Nervous
      • Feeling as though you could cry
      • Lying awake at night

      How to Prevent a Recordable Injury #6

      Many employees find that drinking more water has helped them reduce the soreness from seeing the therapist and assist in thier discomfort. Drink up to eight tall glassess of water a day, especially on the day you see the therapist. Drinking cold water can even increase your bodies matabolism and burn calories. Drinking sports drinks such as Gatorade can increase electrolytes and reduce cramping and heat related injuries. For more information, visit